The European African Alliance Conference 2012
"Development Initiatives, Trade Relations and Interregional Cultural Exchange in the European African Alliance"
(Berlin, International Conference, January 10th - 13th, 2012)
- Ambassador Marc Franco
Head of Delegation of the European Union to Egypt
- Christoph Diehl
Senior advisor to Socremo – Banco de Microfinanças in Mozambique
- Dr. Mengsteab Tesfayohannes
Associate Professor, Sigmund Weis School of Business, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, USA
- Dr. Thomas Feist
Member of the German Bundestag
- Espérance Niyonsaba
Rwandan Cultural Diplomacy and MA Student in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
- Felix Sangano
First Secretary, Embassy of Rwanda in Germany
- Gerd Meuer
Former correspondent on Africa for the ARD/Journalist
- H.E. Amb. Clementine Shakembo Kamanga
Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Germany
- H. E. Amb. Sarojini Seeneevassen-Frers
Ambassador of Mauritius to Germany
- John Eichler
Managing Director, JE Stratégie GmbH
- Khalifa Drame
Senegalese Designer & Partner, Africa Live Consulting
- Lotta Mayer
Board Member of the Heidelberger Institut für Internationale Konfliktforschung (HIIK), Former Manager of the Konflikte im Subsaharischen Afrika Team
- Marcus Raphael
Disaster/Project Manager and Coordinator for East Africa at Humedica
- Maria Toubbé
Head of Program - Cultural Diplomacy in Africa and the Mediterranean, ICD
- Mark Donfried
Director and Founder of the ICD
- Minister Cassandra Mbuyane-Mokone
Minister Counsellor of the South African Embassy to Germany
- Bérangère Rouppert
Researcher at Groupe de Recherche et d’Information sur la Paix et la Sécurité (GRIP), Brussels
- Chris Ekene Mbah
Department for Peace and Conflict Transformation, University of Tromsø, Norway
- Lianna Amirkhanyan
English Language Trainer at the Career Center NGO, Yerevan
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brückner
ICD Director, Professor, Stanford University, Berlin
- Roelof Plijter
Advisor Directorate Development and EPAs, Directorate General for Trade, European Commission
- Roland Zinzius
Deputy Head of Unit, African Union and African Peace Facility, European Commission, DG Development and Cooperation
- Sandile Gregory Gwexe
First Secretary at the embassy of South Africa to Germany
- Yvette Wrigley
Economical Counselor, Embassy of Lesotho to Germany