"UMOJA: The Gathering of all African Nations"
Strengthening Inter-Cultural and International Relations in Africa through Cultural Diplomacy
Conference Agenda
The conference methodology for this event will be unique and quite interactive. Sitting under the tree and talking, is a traditional African style of discussing and solving problems within a community. This basic style of conflict resolution has taken on different modes and methods reflective of the very different and diverse cultures of Africa.Modern, 21st Century methods of conflict resolution often fail because they do not take in account these traditional methods. It is this spirit of open discussion and flexibility that the ICD hopes to engender through the “Umoja” conference.
Through a program of interactive lectures and discussions, debates, as well as cultural and artistic components, “Umoja” will provide a platform for frank and open exchange on a range of diverse political, economic, and cultural issues. The Conference will create and provide a proposal document that will be presented to the AU and the international community on how to strengthen Inter-Cultural and International Relations in Africa through Cultural Diplomacy. In additional the conference will examine different examples and best practices of Cultural Diplomacy that might be applied in different contexts.
The “Umoja” Conference will explore the following themes and issues:
Constructing a Template for Dialogue through Cultural Diplomacy:
- Exploring tradition forms of dialogue between cultures and nation states in Africa
- Examining economic, political, and cultural obstacles to stronger intercultural relations
- Analysing the role of religion in Africa and its potential as a source of unity
Moving Beyond Aid Dependency: From Reliance to Sustainable Development:
- African Foreign Policy: Speaking to overseas actors with one voice
- Battling Brain Drain: Providing opportunities for Africa's next generation
- The Importance of Cultural Exchange on the African Continent
Africa's Role in the Next World Order: Turning Resources into Security and Development:
- Africa and the International Economy: Resources and Relations with China and India
- An Interdisciplinary Comparison of the African Union and the European Union
- Oil, Diamonds, and Gold: Africa's Best Friends or her Worst Enemies?
Cultural Diplomacy and the Future of the African Continent:
- United we Stand, Divided we fall: The Importance of Unity
- Possible Avenues for Integration: Trade, Currency, and International Organizations
- Drivers of Change: Who are they, what can they do?